SANOVITA cooperates closely with a high-calibre international pool of experts and institutions.
This network includes the following experts:
Prof. Dr. Vinod Kumar Dilawari
Professor of Ecology (Rtd) & Adjunct Professor, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India
Professor of Ecology (Rtd) & Adjunct Professor, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India
Evangelos Evangelou, M.Sc.
Department of Organic Agriculture, Wageningen University, the Netherlands
Department of Organic Agriculture, Wageningen University, the Netherlands
Dr. Athanasios Gertsis
Department of Agro-Environmental Systems Management, Perrotis College, American Farm School, Greece
Department of Agro-Environmental Systems Management, Perrotis College, American Farm School, Greece
Prof. Dr. Florin Pacurar
Associate Professor at the University of Cluj, Romania
Associate Professor at the University of Cluj, Romania
Dr. rer. nat. Peter Weiݼß
Patent attorney and attorney-at-law, Germany
Patent attorney and attorney-at-law, Germany